
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Johann Strauss II

Author of the libretto:
Richard Genée and Karl Haffner based on the vaudeville "Le Réveillon" by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy. Polish libretto translation by Julian Tuwim.

Date of the premiere:

3 h 45 min (2 intermissions)

Musical Direction:
Tadeusz Kozłowski

Direction, Choreography, and Lighting Design:
Giorgio Madia

Set Design:
Yoko Seyama

Costume Design:
Alexander Mudlagk

Choir Master:
Maciej Salski / Rafał Wiecha

Musical Collaboration:
Michał Kocimski

Assistant Conductors:
Marta Gardolińska

Assistant Directors:
Waldemar Stańczuk, Maria Szczucka

Assistant Choreographer:
Piotr Ratajewski

Stage Manager:
Karolina Filus

"The Revenge of the Bat" is not just any operetta; it is indeed the masterpiece of this genre. With these words, Felix Weingartner, the Austrian conductor, composer, and pianist from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as a great connoisseur of operettas, described Johann Strauss II's work. Adding to these words the authority of Gustav Mahler, who personally conducted "The Revenge of the Bat," providing an immortal template for all future interpretations, it's hard to find better recommendations.
The production at the Grand Theatre in Łódź has at least two additional advantages: the mastery of Julian Tuwim, the author of the Polish libretto translation, and the realization of the production by Giorgio Madia – a world-renowned artist, the creator of excellent stage visions, such as in "The Tales of Hoffmann" or the well-known to the Łódź audience, sparkling with wit, "Cinderella."
Johann Strauss himself, the master of Viennese waltz, showcased his great sense of humor, instrumental wit, and musical characterizations of the characters in "The Revenge of the Bat." In this delightful, yet far from nonsensical concoction of events and characters, they bend over backwards to set the audience in the best mood possible. It's truly Strauss's "miracle child," a colorful list of hits, each one a musical and vocal gem, an opportunity for virtuoso performances for the performers.
And when masters take on a masterwork, including the renowned conductor Tadeusz Kozłowski, known for his conducting mastery and sense of humor, there's only one thing to do: be sure to witness this event!

Gabriel von Eisenstein:
Andrzej Kostrzewski (01/05/2024; 01/06/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/27/2024), Tomasz Rak (01/26/2024; 01/28/2024)

Joanna Woś (01/06/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/28/2024), Dorota Wójcik (01/05/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/27/2024)

Aleksandra Borkiewicz-Cłapińska (01/06/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/28/2024), Hanna Okońska (01/05/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/27/2024)

Dr. Falke:
Arkadiusz Anyszka (01/05/2024; 01/06/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/27/2024; 01/28/2024)

Dawid Kwieciński (01/06/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/28/2024), Krzysztof Marciniak (01/05/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/27/2024)

Robert Ulatowski (01/05/2024; 01/06/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/27/2024; 01/28/2024)

Prince Orlofsky:
Bernadetta Grabias (01/05/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/26/2024), Olga Maroszek (01/06/2024; 01/27/2024; 01/28/2024)

Dr. Blind:
Marcin Ciechowicz (01/05/2024; 01/06/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/27/2024; 01/28/2024)

Dagny Konopacka-Maćkowiak (01/06/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/28/2024), Aldona Orzeł-Sztabińska (01/05/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/27/2024)

Przemysław Rezner (01/05/2024; 01/06/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/27/2024; 01/28/2024)

Piotr Sułkowski (01/05/2024; 01/06/2024; 01/07/2024; 01/26/2024; 01/27/2024; 01/28/2024)

Choir, Ballet, and Orchestra of the Grand Theatre in Łódź

fot. Joanna Miklaszewska


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